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51 total results found

Transforms and Junk

Houdini FX VEX

1. transforms to attribute matrix: p@orient = quaternion(3@transform); v@scale = cracktransform(0,0,2,set(0.0.0). 3@transform); 2. rotate packed fracture based on point + distance: vector p1= set(@P.x, @P.y, @P.z); vector crack1 = point(1, "P", 0); v...

Get frame range from alembic

Houdini FX Python

import _alembic_hom_extensions as ahe; import hou; anode = hou.pwd(); cam = anode.parm("camera").eval(); fpath = hou.node(cam).parm("fileName"); ver = fpath.eval().split("_")[-1].split("/")[0]; print(ver); name = hou.node(cam).children() ; print(name[0]); anod...

Example On Node Buttons

Houdini FX Python

  This is how a button on a non-adminned node needs to be laid out: import hou ; do something ;  This grabs frame range from supplied alembic camera, updates names, etc:   import _alembic_hom_extensions as ahe; import hou; anode = hou.pwd(); cam = anode.p...

Hardware encoding

Linux & CLI Commands FFMPEG Commands

Intel example command: ffmpeg -hwaccel vaapi -hwaccel_output_format vaapi -vaapi_device /dev/dri/renderD128 -i "${invid}" -codec:v h264_vaapi ${invid%.}_testHW.mp4

PDF to one image

Linux & CLI Commands Images and PDFs

convert in.pdf +append out%d.png sudo apt install imagemagick If convert is broken, update policy: # Open the file sudo nano /etc/ImageMagick-6/policy.xml # find and edit the line <policy domain="coder" rights="none" pattern="PDF" /> # to : <polic...

Send to Tops

Houdini FX Python

import hou nodes = hou.selectedNodes() topnet = hou.node("/obj/topnet1") if not topnet: topnet = hou.node("/obj").createNode("topnet") topnet.setName("topnet1") for x in nodes: name ="_"+str(x.parent()) fstart = x.parm("f1")...

Set Frame Range without Script

Houdini FX Python

  import hou; anode = hou.pwd(); start = anode.parm("framemin").eval(); end = anode.parm("framemax").eval(); hou.playbar.setFrameRange(start, end); hou.playbar.setPlaybackRange(start, end)


Houdini FX Python

PostRender open MPLAY: import os; img_path = "`chs("picture")`".replace("$F", "\*"); os.system("mplay %s" % img_path)

Install Ubuntu in distrobox

Linux & CLI Commands DistroBox

Install Docker first: # Add Docker's official GPG key: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install ca-certificates curl gnupg sudo install -m 0755 -d /etc/apt/keyrings curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/k...

Pull version from hipname

Houdini FX Python

Can be used in a parameter. Returns a integer. import hou, re version = re.findall('_v\d+', hou.hipFile.basename())[0] version = int(re.findall('\d+', version)[0]) return version

Fun Shelf Scripts

Houdini FX Python

Version up sops that have a "version" parm - I use this to version up a lot of exports in tops or rops: import hou nodes = hou.selectedNodes() for x in nodes: ver = x.parm("version").eval() + 1 x.parm("version").set(ver) Send a ROP fetch to TOPs name...


Houdini FX VEX

Get transform and orientation from camera: string camera = "/obj/alembicarchive1/Camera2/CameraShape2"; // path to your camera @P = ptransform(camera, "space:current", {0,0,0}); @N = ntransform(camera, "space:current", {0,0,-1});  

Get Frame Size of Image File

Houdini FX Python

node= hou.pwd(); bg=node.parm("image").eval(); res=hou.imageResolution(bg); node.parm("framesizex").set(res[0]); node.parm("framesizey").set(res[1]);

Create Agent from built in mocap rig - Simple

Houdini FX Python

This will take a test mocap rig 3 built in to houdini, create an agent, add agent clips from the built in library (must be in your scene already), and lay everything out.  import hou obj = hou.node("/obj") agentname = hou.ui.readInput("Agent Name", title="N...

Send selected nodes to new object (fancy way to create object merges)

Houdini FX Python

import hou nodes = hou.selectedNodes() destnode = hou.node(hou.ui.selectNode(title="select destination node")) for x in nodes: name ="_"+str(x.parent()) path= x.path() objmergenode = destnode.createNode("object_merge") objmerge...

Send nodes to new alembic export

Houdini FX Python

import hou nodes = hou.selectedNodes() destnode = hou.node("/obj/EXPORT") if not destnode: destnode = hou.node("/obj").createNode("geo") destnode.setName("EXPORTS") for x in nodes: name ="_"+str(x.parent()) path= x.path(...

TOPs - symlink output file of parent

Houdini FX Python

  exportFile = str(work_item.expectedInputFiles[0]) dir = os.path.dirname(exportFile) newFile = os.path.join(dir, "") os.symlink(exportFile, newFile)


Houdini FX

Switch by Normal: if(point("../resample3", 0, "N", 2)<0, 0, 1)  


Houdini FX VEX

#include "math.h" #include "voplib.h" float easeOutCirc ( float t ) { return sqrt ( 1 - ( pow ( ( 1 - t ), 2 ) ) ); } float index = @ptnum; float numpts = @numpt; float startAngle = radians ( ch("angle") ); float dir = 2 * ch("dir") - 1; floa...


Houdini FX VEX

Big resource: