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All the python stuff thats standalone.
Houdini FX
Linux & CLI Commands
Nuke Commands, Python, TCL
FFMPEG Commands
Images and PDFs
OnCreated scripts
OnCreated Script to set name, color, shape of node: cachename = hou.ui.readInput("Enter cache name")node = kwargs["node"]node.setName(cachename[1])node.setUserData('nodeshape', "tilted")node.setColor(hou.Color(1,0,0))
PythonModule Scripts
Get houdini version: hver = hou.applicationVersionString().rpartition('.')[0]
Raw to JPG
ufraw-batch --out-type jpeg *
Top Node AutoWrite
if you need your output file named exactly like your input file then use a little TCL expression in the file knob of the write node suggestion your filename convention is like: //path/to/file/filename.pattern.ext then: [lindex [split [lindex [split [knob [t...
Random Spin: // The following makes it random: axis = rand(@id) - set(0.5, 0.5, 0.5); spinspeed *= rand(@id+0.1);
TCL Commands
GETTING A KNOB’S VALUE OF A SPECIFIC NODE: #First frame of current read/write: [value Read1.first] #Getting a knob’s value of current node: [value this.first_frame] #Return label value of the input node: [value this.size] #Name of the input node...
Move Files
import os,hou, shutil selected = hou.selectedNodes() for x in selected: if x.parm("env_map"): file = x.parm("env_map").eval() parm1 = x.parm("env_map") elif x.parm("fileName"): file = x.parm("fileName").eval() pa...
Retime track in nuke
Retiming a curve There are many retiming options in Nuke but how do you retime tracking data or animation?The answer is actually very simple and can be used wherever you have an animation curve in your script. If you are using an OFlow node, called ‘OFlow1’, ...
Center Crop for Instagram: ffmpeg -i ParticleSensor.mp4 -vf "scale=(iw*sar)*max(1080/(iw*sar)\,1080/ih):ih*max(1080/(iw*sar)\,1080/ih), crop=1080:1080" ParticleSensor_ig.mp4
Convert PNG to Icon
first convert to 256 convert input.png -resize 256x256 output.png last convert to icns png2icns output.icns input.png
Python - import all image sequences under folder
"""Finds and creates nodes for file sequences in an entire directory tree""" # This has the user select a folder, then creates Read nodes # for all files and sequences under that folder # 03/2011 import os, nuke, re, time from...
Random Python
Get the file path from selected nodes: sel=nuke.selectedNodes() for x in sel: print(x.knob("file").getValue())
Update frame range from file
def grabFrames(self): import os plate = self.parm("backplate").eval() if not plate: framex = self.parm("frange1").eval() framey = self.parm("frange2").eval() else: flist = [x.split(".")[-2] for x in os.listdir(os....
split by group
import hou selected = hou.selectedNodes()[0] groups = [ for g in selected.geometry().primGroups()] for i, name in enumerate(groups, 1): #make a split node split = selected.createOutputNode("blast") split.setName(name) ...
Camera Stuff
auto focus, get distance from object and camera: vlength(vtorigin(“/obj/geo1”, “/obj/cam1”))
divide points into 3 equal parts: i@part = floor(fit(rand(@ptnum+.258), 0, 1, 0, 2.9)); Nage replacement @nage = fit(@age,0,@life,0,1);
Bake Camera from Alembic
Shelf script to bake camera form Alembic camera in scene. Must select the child camera in the alembic sop. import hou obj = hou.node("/obj") ocam = hou.node(hou.ui.selectNode(node_type_filter=hou.nodeTypeFilter.ObjCamera)) ver = ocam.parent().parent()....
If then statements
If the pscale is greater than .4 then set it to .2, if not set it to its current pscale @pscale = @pscale>.4?.2:@pscale
Web Convert
OGV: in_old = "path_to_vid.mp4" new = ${in_old%.*}.ogv ffmpeg -i $in_old -codec:v libtheora -qscale:v 6 -codec:a libvorbis -qscale:a 6 $new
Convert entire folder
for i in *.mov; do name=`echo "$i" | cut -d'.' -f1` echo "$name" ffmpeg -i "$i" "${name}.mp4" done